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​代表取締役社長 佐佐木 麻コ(あさこ)

The Managing director/ The owner:

Ms Asako Sasaki 
Nationality: Japanese
At 15, traveled to the USA alone.  Stayed at a ranch in Wyoming.  After graduating from a US public high school, studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, then studied at Parsons School of Design in NYC.  A leather swing top she designed while she was still a student in NY
became a cover of Vogue Mexico (Feb.1992.)   In
spite of all the promising signals from US fashion industry, she did not stay in her design career too long but moved to British Colony Hong Kong to start a business toward China
which at that time was in a period of high economic growth.   She and her HK investor establish a company just to hold a
30,000 mt bulk cargo ship to transport optical fibers to major mainland China ports. Afterwards, she went into several businesses including a dried bonito flakes pet food business
toward USA and UCO (used cooking oil) trading toward EU.  In 2021 March, she obtained ownership of farm lands in Japan and is growing oilseeds to press oil for SAF (Jet fuel) manufacturers in Japan.  There is a huge demand to increase more yields for oilseeds in Japan. 


Asako's English level:

Fluent (CASEC 960 / TOEIC 990)

会 社 概 要


会社名               AsakoSasaki Inc.株式会社


読み方      アサコササキインク(カ

代表者               代表取締役社長 佐佐木 麻コ(あさこ)


       独立行政法人海技教育機構 ISPS SSO及びCSO修了 


                          CASEC 960点 (TOEIC990点・英検1級)

事業内容            外航海運業



       植物由来廃食油の回収(ISCC EU 認証取得 Collection Point+Trader)



取引銀行   三井住友銀行 高松支店


       香港上海銀行 TSTセンター支店

会社沿革          2005年6月 農業生産法人設立

        2016年5月 米国ペット業界向国産乾物等買付R&D梱包輸出開始

        2020年5月 使用済てんぷら油の購入・輸出開始

        2021年3月 農園拡張(香川県)


税理士     細川和彦会計事務所


社会保険労務士 中塚 史浩

現地法人    米国アサコササキインク (フロリダ州)

        中国アサコササキインク (香港)




WhatsApp Image 2022-11-10 at 7.17.34 PM.jpeg







社員教育への取り組み 社内リスキリング制度

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